Our Approach

Capital appreciation and dividend growth from a diversified portfolio.

Our funds are mandated to invest in diversified asset classes as the fund believes that the key ingredient of success lies in dynamic diversification over asset classes and multiple investment strategies. It is important to diversify not only along the asset class dimensions, but also along the investment strategy style. The fund expects to minimise risks and maximise returns by taking exposures in a judicious mix of less correlated asset classes. Fund invests in Private Equity, Regional Funds, and Credit opportunities, Structured Products, Real Estate, Special Situations and Fixed Income opportunities in ME-NA-SA region.

ADIC’s primary targets are operating assets with stable and predictable cash flows, limiting our exposure to development, construction and completion risks. Focused in selecting investments that have strong local partners and management.  Our proactive deal team members leverage on their professional networks to seek local partners with successful track records, high standards of corporate governance, experience in working with offshore partners and good relationships in the host country with governments and regulators, as well as receptiveness to the our active ownership approach.

Our fund managers have the flexibility to pursue opportunities anywhere in the ME-NA-SA region as they may arise. We follow a disciplined investment process that is focused on adding value in the acquisition, ownership and disposition of an Asset. Key focus is in understanding and balancing risk and return through a diversified investment strategy, That means building a portfolio that offers exposure to a mix of different types of assets, and adjusting that mix in response to—or in anticipation of—changes in the investing environment. 

Asset allocation matches the investor’s tolerance for volatility or risk, as well as funds investment parameters supplemented by fund manager’s accessibility to dynamically manage, control, adjust their asset class exposure as market conditions change. The strategy is backed by our steadfast commitment to research and our careful adherence to strategic goals and principles.

  • Private Equity
  • Listed Equities
  • Muti-Manager FoF
  • Fixed Income
  • Special Situations
  • Real Estate
  • Structured Notes
  • Credit Opportunities